Life news, and website news
01.04.25 | Lois Leardi now has a small website where you can read some of her remarkable writing. |
05.10.23 | Back from NL (where I saw two Gruppo Sportivo gigs!), and UK (where I saw a bunch of old friends!). |
12.21.22 | Letchworth Village is Sacred Ground: my recent op-ed in a local rag. | |
Newsflash! Woke Pioneers at a midwestern backwater stick it to the Jews! |
05.31.22 | Read all about it: Sex | Orientation | Gender: A Transient Triangle | |
Just back from Spain where I visited dear old friend Harry, and also dear not-as-old friends Enrique and Michael. |
03.30.22 | Hi Doron! | |
The Line has undergone a major overhaul for your riding pleasure |
12.19.20 | Books now has six titles! Four by Lois Leardi, and two by me, including my just-completed novel "Letchworth Days." All will be available for purchase very soon. |
08.25.20 | Books launched back in January with my novel "The Birds of Shanghai". Three more titles have since been released, all by Lois Leardi. More titles are in preparation. |
11.14.19 | My mom's obituary (28 March 1930 - 29 October 2018 / 28 Adar 5690 - 20 Cheshvan 5779) is now posted at a special page. I will add more memories... |
09.30.17 | My new book is out as of last week. Movie and TV rights are in negotiation. |
08.26.17 | I've added an extension to my Adolf and Levine family pictures. |
07.12.17 | Read about my ketamine infusion experience. |
07.05.17 | I'm pleased that so many of my rips have anonymously become the definitive versions of records that never had proper digital releases. I won't name names, but it means alot to me. |
02.12.17 | No news to report, sorry. |
07.14.16 | After another long hiatus, I am starting up movie reviews again. Enjoy...or don't! |
03.01.16 | I've updated my Gruppo Sportivo pages to reflect all releases through 2015. Dig It Yourself, man! |
06.08.15 | Reading and writing for 'Degenerative Phonology'. | |
Guess what. Summer's arrived. Time to finally make my Quintet boards (with a bit-o-help from ol' Doc). Stay tuned... |
07.03.14 | San Francisco didn't take. I've moved back to Santa Cruz. I'm out there and I'm lovin' it! |
03.31.14 | Obituary of Martin Adolf, my maternal grandfather. |
10.01.13 | Having just rejoined Netflix, my movie review series is back in full swing. | |
"Large Project #4" is finally posted; my Holocaust memorial. |
09.27.13 | Lists! | |
A skeletal version of my Nanuet Literature page is now up. | ||
Off to Israel in December and into January! |
07.27.13 | "...Along the Hudson" is now up, and so is "Fallingwater". Have a look. "Fallingwater" movie to follow... | |
Hi from Twin Peaks, SF! |
06.06.13 | Kinks in my email form are largely resolved. | |
Stay tuned for a big batch of pictures I've taken over the last year, "...Along The Hudson". | ||
Back to California in a few weeks. |
07.27.12 | My speculative paper on the origins of language is now up for discussion at A REPLICATED TYPO. Meanwhile, my new research on Nanuet English will get underway within a few weeks. | |
I recently enjoyed a very cool three-hour lunch with guitarist extraordinaire HUW GOWER, original member of THE RECORDS, and co-writer of their classic 1979 single STARRY EYES. |
05.07.12 | My one-year sabbatical to study "Nanuet English" begins in a few weeks. Yahoo! The book will be out in a few months. Yahoo! |
12.10.11 | After a decade-plus hiatus, I've posted a new record review. Now you can read about Rupert Holmes' "Full Circle" record from 1981, right here at my website...fancy that! |
11.30.11 |
The book will be available for purchase around July 2012. |
05.02.11 |
FLASH! The Nanuet Mall is finally coming down, as reported in today's Times. Obviously, this huge story was bumped from the banner headline it deserves due to the long-awaited killing of our dear friend Osama Bin Laden.Thanks to our military and to President Obama! NO THANKS to George W. Bush, Dick Cheney and that whole gang of thieving crooks!! |
04.16.11 |
What transparent timing. Jewish Uncle Tom Richard Goldstone (unofficially) retracts his outrageous accusations against the IDF, just as the UN suspends Libya--LIBYA!--from its so-called Human Rights Council, the Goldstone Report's commissioning body. Goldstone was apparently perfectly happy to accede to the wishes of this morally bankrupt council’s fascist ways, until its hypocrisy became just a little too obvious even to the most boneheaded fools out there--like Goldstone. |
02.07.11 |
Back from Israel! Jerusalem of course, but also Beersheva, Dimona, and Eilat. Fantastic time seeing friends, family, and colleagues. |
01.13.10 |
My two-year schoolboy romance with Remeron/Mirtazapine may, alas, be coming to a close. The only anti-depressant that has ever really done the trick for my sleep and my headaches has also done a number on my weight, my blood pressure, and my hormones. Back to the drawing board. |
10.25.09 |
Look for my new paper on Korean neutralization in the Journal of Linguistics, coming soon. | |
If you haven't done so already (and who has?), why not check out NYC businesses of note? |
Re: The Sinceros re-issue: someone at a well-known pop music site recently referred to me (mockingly) as "self-described power pop expert Dan Silverman". Er, no, I never described myself as such. Cherry Red's advertising department did. I had no say in the matter, unfortunately. |
Finally, I've posted my Silverman/Shwam pictures. |
Back from Israel. As I journey farther and farther from my birth, I also journey closer and closer to my past. Stay tuned for more details. |
01.20.09 |
12:00 EST: Well, apart from the appallingly divisive, religiously-particularistic ramblings of unrepentent hatemonger Rick Warren, the inauguration went without a hitch. Smashing! |
01.11.09 |
Happy New Year everyone! With Obama on his way in, and Hamas on their way out, the world is looking up for liberalism/secularism! |
09.29.08 |
I'd love to get my hands on these three hard-to-find CDs: "Girls At Our Best!", "Sector 27", and Mercury's re-release of 10cc's "Ten out of 10". A little help? |
09.05.08 |
Another "Large Project" has been posted: Street Music. | |
I've recently moved to a house amidst the cedars and redwoods in beautiful Santa Cruz. |
06.26.08 |
Now, mind you, I've never been a Springsteen fan, but his most recent album is startlingly good. I went back and listened to all the old albums, thinking, maybe I should give them another chance. But no, they still sound silly to me. "Magic", however, is just that: magic! "Girls In Their Summer Clothes" gives me goosebumps. |
From the Design Links station, take a regional rail link to a wonderful site featuring magnificent photography of New York architecture. |
Mazel tov!! I've just written my 50th movie review! See you at Nobu?
06.16.08 |
A new paper is up, "Neutralization and anti-homophony in Korean." A few others are in the works.
Station stop "Other Peoples' Memories of Nanuet" has closed permanently, its contents now fully accessible at the "Do you Remember..." stop. |
What's the new Mary Jane? I am looking for these five songs: "Beatles Forever" by ELO, "Mindless Sweethearts Underground" by Jackie Leven, "20,000 Dreamers" by Original Mirrors, and "House Of Wax/All At Once" by Bruce Woolley. Anyone out there has these, please be in touch for a nice trade! |
The rules for "Quintet" are posted. Rather soon, I will add an essay on this fascinating--though flawed--Robert Altman film from 1979.
When I was nineteen, I discovered Mary Renault.
Street Life: another "Large Project", this one linking you and me, wherever you are, or I am. Have a look....and a listen... |
06.11.08 |
Some Design links are now up. Also, be sure to check out TEENMOM complete! |
My "Large Project" series is now underway. Please check out "EuroChina". Indeed, the world is getting smaller with each passing day. Several more are to follow shortly. |
If you live in the D.C. area and have access to Montgomery County Public Access TV Channel 19, look for my China DVD, "Through Southwest China," which is being broadcast in heavy rotation through May at least. |
03.30.08 |
I've made email contact much easier now. Wherever you see my signature, just click, and you'll be transfered directly to thetrain. |
Thetrain is now, at least in theory, fully functional, though a tad threadbare as of this date...Nonetheless, This means that the subway system is operating at full capacity. |
01.01.08 |
I've begun to post sporadic movie reviews. | |
Flash! A new line is open: the Reading line. Here you'll find books written by friends and family members. | ||
My New Year's resolution is 300 dpi. |
10.02.07 |
I've added a page of Nostalgia links; more to be added, no doubt. | |
My Nanuet mini-site is growing. In addition to a significant increase in the number of images, I've encountered a significant increase in email. I have added a new stop to the system: Other People's Memories of Nanuet. |
11.28.06 |
Lots of pictures are now up at the China Travelogue. Of course, this is only a taster of the DVD. | |
Yet more links are up, and many more will be added. | ||
Look for Quince! Some more wonderful NYC businesses have been discovered, and a few more great unheralded albums have been unearthed. | ||
Both the Lerner Family Circle and Dad Bites are now posted. | ||
I've finally put up some of my graphic art from the 80s, including my winning entry for the Nanuet High School yearbook cover, 1981. | ||
That brings us to Nanuet. Lots more images are now up. |
11.08.06 |
Some music links are up, along with links to the academic institutions I'm proud to have been affiliated with. |