As with most things of relevance in (my) life, I needed a clever name for my “record label”. You see, back in the 90s, many of the records that I loved and cherished in my youth had yet to be released on CD. So began my late 90s hobby: digitizing my precious LPs. Along with a scanner and Photoshop, I created remarkable replicas of commercial products that did not (yet) exist. How to group my disparate creations under a single umbrella? I needed a catchy name. Enter The Beatles, of course. The Fabs played their final notes on Abbey Road, and now I needed a name for my CD label …hmm…Abbey Road...Abbey...AB…CD...Seedy... On to a logo. Fortunately, it was staring me in the face as I flipped over the Abbey Road jacket. A little cut and paste, and the rest is history. Thanks Ringo For EVERYTHING!!