Martin Adolf And The Cantor Racket


A Jewish congregation wishes a cantor (chazzan) to sing hymns and prayers in the synagog. The rabbi finds a likely prospect, persuades him to try out by singing for nothing during Saturday service. Afterwards the crafty rabbi sends
the cantor away as unsatisfactory. The next Saturday the rabbi offers another cantor an audition, sends him away, too, to be followed by another and another, so long as gullible cantors can be found for free Saturday singing

This racket was described last week at a conference in Manhattan of the Jewish Ministers' Cantors' Association. A
resolution was passed to boycott guilty synagogs. Cantor Martin Adolf of Paterson, N. J., chairman of the
conference, declared that cantors are Forgotten men. Said he: "The cantor, who by the grace of God is an artist, has
always been considered as the pillar of fire in the synagog. He has the ability with the rays of his voice to create light
and joy when Israel is left in darkness....When the whole world was engaged in speculation to gain more wealth,
the cantor was content with the necessaries of life. When the whole country made a concerted drive to organize
labor and make possible a living wage, the cantor still was reluctant to move. The results are despair, despondency
and destruction."